
Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym'16) - Call for Papers

O Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym'16) <http://lcv.fee.unicamp.br/brazilian-technology-symposium/btsym-16> será realizado nos dias 01 e 02 de dezembro de 2016, das 09h:00min às 17h:00min, nas dependência do Centro de Convenções da Unicamp.

Call for Papers

The Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym), ISSN 2447-8326, is an event created by Laboratory of Visual Communications of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the State University of Campinas. This is an excellent forum for presentations and discussions of the latest results of projects and development research, in several areas of knowledge, in scientific and technological scope. This event seeks to bring together researchers, students and professionals from the industrial and academic sectors, seeking to create and/or strengthen the linkages between issues of joint interest.

Participants are invited to submit research papers, case studies, articles of opinion or posters, showing studies, methodologies and results achieved in scientific level research projects, completion of course work for graduation, dissertations and theses. Jointly with the BTSym’2016 will occur the 6º Workshop Smart Grid Energia, this union aims to provide to the visitors a wide range of option with lectures of companies, organizations and institutes of technology. · Architecture and Urbanism · Computer Science · Informatics · Industrial Design · Probability and Statistics · Aerospace Engineering · Agricultural Engineering · Biomedical Engineering · Civil Engineering · Electrical Engineering · Production Engineering · Mechanical Engineering · Other Engineering ·

Miscellaneous Registration site: http://www.funcamp.unicamp.br/eventos/BrazilianTechnologySymposiumBTSYM16/index.asp


Conferences The Brazilian Technology Symposium will include conferences by important companies, universities and research institutes, covering topics of technological development in several areas. For further information, please see the follow link: http://lcv.fee.unicamp.br/brazilian-technology-symposium/btsym-16/speakers