
Palestra: Avaliação de Segurança de Software em Ambientes Cloud

Será minstrada nesta quinta feira (22/03) a palestra:  Avaliação de Segurança de Software em Ambientes Cloud

Palestrante: Dr. Nuno Antunes - Universidade de Coimbra

Língua: Português / Inglês (slides)

Sala: PA 07

Horário: 19:30 - 20:30 hs

Palestra vinculada ao Projeto Atmosphere (Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing) - Projeto de Cooperação Internacional EU-Brasil


Virtualization technology made the Cloud possible, as it allows the creation of virtual instances of physical devices such as network, storage or processing units. A virtualized system is governed by a hypervisor and resources are shared amongst virtual machines (VMs). This allows to reduce costs through server consolidation and to enhance the flexibility of physical infrastructures. Virtualization also introduces new challenges including availability, performance, and isolation, but security is the one that gathers the major concern from users.

Containerization (operating-system-level virtualization), represents as a lighter option to traditional virtualization, avoiding the overhead of starting and maintaining virtual machines. Resource isolation features of the operating system and file system are used to create several independent "software containers" that run in the same operating system.

In this talk we present and discuss several techniques used to evaluate the security of these virtualization solution in order to better understand how resistant they are to attacks.